Terms and conditions
These terms and conditions shall take precedence over any terms and conditions written or referred to elsewhere.
These are the School’s comprehensive general Terms and Conditions (T & C). They are sent to each applicant with their offer letter.
- These Terms & Conditions, together with the offer letter, learning agreement and student’s handbook, constitute the entire agreement between the parties and shall supersede any and all promises, representations, warranties, or other statements, whether written or oral, made by or on behalf of one party to the other, of any nature whatsoever or contained in any leaflet, brochure, or other document given by one party to the other concerning such subject matter. Any reference to “the School” or “SWIB” refers specifically to Swiss International Business School.
- The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and clarity on students’ personal liability for tuition fees and the School approach to reductions or refunds, including how they will be calculated, in cases where students withdraw, suspend or discontinue their studies for whatever reason, after initial enrolment has been completed. It also covers other relevant aspects along with the financial matters.
- The liability policy relates to the student’s personal liability for tuition fees regardless of the source of funding. However, wherever refunds are referred to, these only relate to the portion of the tuition fee that is paid directly by the student or by his/her sponsor.
1. Refunds
1.1 Refunds for withdrawals made within the “Cooling Off” period (from the date the acceptance and Offer of a Place has been made) of 14 days only, according to the School’s procedure are automatic. If the course has begun within the 14 days cooling off period, the cost of tuition for that term is non-refundable and a full term’s notice is required. Written withdrawal requests should be submitted to the Admissions service which will issue a receipt in writing, via email. Failure to provide written cancellation will incur the full fee applicable. In the case of a refund, an administration charge of 250 SF will be applicable. All other requests for refunds or reductions may only be considered in writing to the Admissions Service in which case the following will apply:
a). 12 weeks or more before the Programme starts – No fee.
b). 11 weeks before the Programme starts – 100 SF administration fee.
c). 8 weeks before the Programme starts – 50% of the full applicable tuition fee.
d). 1 week before the Programme starts or after it has started – the full applicable tuition fee.
1.2 If a student fails to start a course on the commencement date or if a course is abandoned by the student before completion of the course, their name may be taken off the class register. In such cases no refunds will be made save in accordance with the terms set out above. A student shall be deemed to have abandoned a course, if his or her attendance falls below the required 80% attendance record.
1.3 Students enrolling at Swiss International Business School (SWIB) will be entitled to refunds from the school in the event of non-issuance of visa only. The amounts refundable will be as per the terms and conditions.
1.4 This policy may be changed from time to time, in line with the Swiss, EU and British Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations. Students will be notified of any such changes relating to refunds and fee liability.
2. Cancellation & Withdrawal
2.1 Cancellation
2.1.1 Students have the right to withdraw their application within 2 weeks after their confirmation of acceptance.
2.1.2 Once the School has received and verified the relevant documentation, and after which the School has confirmed acceptance, where a student requests to withdraw their offer within 2 weeks, the School will honour the School’s terms and conditions and issue a full refund of the Tuition fees to the student in accordance with the terms and conditions.
2.1.3 The School must receive written notice of withdrawal, which is effective from the date it is received by the School.
2.2 Notice to be given when withdrawing from a course.
If the student’s course has commenced, a minimum of one term’s notice (in writing) is required for withdrawal, or payment in lieu, regardless of whether the student continues to attend classes.
3. Applications & Payments
3.1 Application and Enrolment fee:
3.1.1 If a student’s application is accepted, a written Acceptance and Offer of a Place will be made.
3.1.2 It is an offence to furnish false information and/or records on or as a part of the application/enrolment process. In any case where false information/records are provided the application will be rendered void and all/any fees paid to the school will be retained by the school.
3.2 Non-attendance:
In the event that a student fails to attend the School at the start of the term, the full tuition fee will be retained by the School.
3.3 Fees:
Tuition fees, including registration fees are non-transferable to any other individual.
4. Tuition Fees and Other Charges
4.1 Charges:
4.2. In order to maintain a high quality of provision in teaching and resources it may be necessary to increase fees. Students who have paid their tuition fees in advance will not be subject to any subsequent increases.
4.1.2. If payments become overdue from the due date by 7 days, the School reserves the right to suspend or cancel tuition by exclusion from the School and to charge interest on the balance at the rate of 12% per annum above the base rate of the Swiss National Bank.
4.1.3. All fees will remain payable if the proper written notice of withdrawal has not been received by the School in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
4.1.4. Please note that although students may leave College after they have completed their examinations, results will be held back till all dues are cleared.
4.1.5. In cases where there has been attempted but repeated failure of communication via email and telephone (three attempts to receive payment from student), requesting the applicant/student to make payment by the due date, the School may require payment of the fees for the remainder of the academic year in full, including fees for future terms which may not yet be due. The student may be prevented from sitting examinations/submission of assignments or the results of examinations/assignments and/or School references or other information may be withheld where fees remain unpaid in whole.
4.2 Other charges:
4.2.1. Examination, registration and other fees paid by the School on behalf of a student will not be refunded to the student even where the student decides not to take the examination or register with the external body.
4.2.2. Late submission of assignments will be charged at 99 SF per assignment.
4.2.3. If the student requires one to one tuition/catch up classes due to their absence or on request; additional charges of 60 SF per hour will be applicable.
4.3 Late Payment Charges:.
The School may take legal action for the recovery of monies due and, in such circumstances; the School reserves the right to make reasonable charges to represent the administrative and other costs to the School occasioned by the non-payment.
5. Programme Changes
5.1 The School reserves the right to change course start dates, course curriculum and programmes at any time due to errors, omissions and circumstances beyond the School’s control.
5.2 Any Student who is enrolled on a course and wishes to transfer to a different course should put this request in writing to the Academic Office. The Director or his/her nominated person will make the decision.
5.3 The School reserves the right to discontinue a programme or not to run a programme or a unit/module within a programme. The School will attempt to notify the student individually, or as part of a group collectively, of such action. The student may be offered an alternative course or deferment to another term.
6. Paying of Fees
6.1 Methods of Payment & procedures:
6.1.1 We offer the following payment methods for tuition fees. All payments are in Swiss Francs.
6.1.2 We accept all major credit and Swiss debit cards except for American Express and Diners Club.
6.2 Because of the increase in worldwide credit card fraud, please advise your card issuer of the dates and amounts you will be paying for your tuition fees by card. This will ensure your transaction is authorised without problems or delay.
7. Sponsorship
If you have a sponsor, such as an embassy, commercial or charitable organisation who is paying your fees, you will need to provide an official letter of sponsorship/ financial guarantee from them. This letter should include: the invoice address, name of student and amount of sponsorship. We will then invoice the sponsor for the full fee amount allowing 30 days for payment. Please note that if your sponsor fails to pay your fees you will be liable to pay your fees.
Please note: Parents, family members or friends who may be paying your tuition fees are not classed as sponsors.
8. General
8.1. Schools rules:
Students attending courses with Swiss International Business School (SWIB) are bound by all School rules and regulations.
8.2. Absences and Vacations:
No refund will be made in the case of late arrivals or periods of absence during a course.
8.3. Publicity/Privacy policy:
By making an application to the School for study, the student agrees to the usage and storage of information for the School and any other relevant authorities without written consent or notification.
The Student hereby agrees that the student’s, quotations and achievements may be used for promotional purposes (printed and online) without written consent or notification.
Any disagreement should be made in writing to the School before the start of the student’s chosen course of study.
8.4. Data protection:
Any information provided to Swiss International Business School (SWIB) may be held on computer and shall be used by the School in accordance with its Data Protection registration and Data Protection Policy.
The Student is obliged to notify The School of a change of address, phone number or email address while enrolled on a course.
8.5. Liability:
Swiss International Business School (SWIB) and its representatives are not liable for damages, injuries, illnesses and violations to people or goods, however these may occur, unless such liability is legally imposed.
8.6. Variation:
No variation to these conditions is valid unless agreed in writing by the School Management provided always that the School reserves the right to make any addition, amendment or alteration to these conditions upon giving one term’s written notice of such change to all affected parents, guardians and students.
8.7. Force Majeure:
It is a stipulation of this agreement/ contract between students and the School, or its representatives, that neither the School, nor its representatives, are liable in cases where the School is unable to fulfil any services to which they are contractually bound because of employment/ trade union disputes, natural calamity or other reasons which are beyond their control.