This 3 year programme will lead to a 180 ECTS credits (360 British credits) SWIB bachelor diploma.

After a successful completion of each year the participants will also obtain an accredited British level 4, 5 and 6 diploma. The total qualification time (workload) per year is 1500 hours per year with 480 guided learning hours.

Year 1
* Cyber Security (10 ECTS credits)
* Principles of Computer Programming (10 ECTS credits)
* Systems Analysis and Design (10 ECTS credits)
* Web and Mobile Applications (10 ECTS credits)
* Computer and Network Technology (10 ECTS credits)
* Managing Digital Information (10 ECTS credits)

Year 2
* Software Engineering (10 ECTS credits)
* Database Systems (10 ECTS credits)
* Advanced Systems Analysis and Design (10 ECTS credits)
* Management Information Systems (10 ECTS credits)
* Network Information Systems (10 ECTS credits)
* IT Project Management (10 ECTS credits)

Year 3
* Advanced Computer Networks (10 ECTS credits)
* Advanced Data Analytics (10 ECTS credits)
* Advanced Database Management Systems (10 ECTS credits)
* Management Information Systems (10 ECTS credits)
* Computers, Society and Law (10 ECTS credits)
* Computing Projects (10 ECTS credits)