About Us
Advisory Board
The advisory board with a strong international diversification participates in the main strategic decisions of the Swiss International Business School.
The current members of the International Advisory Board are:

Stephan Ortner
Chairman of the SWIB Advisory Board and director of EURAC Research, South Tyrol-Italy

Dr. Andreas Aufschnaiter
CEO of MS Industrie AG in Munich-Germany

Sebastien Arcos
Director of a business and engineering school campus in Lyon-France

Dr. Jameel Hasan
Director of Quality and Academic Development at Bahrain Polytechnic

Professor Joy Juyoung Chun
Chief Director of Institute of International Affairs and Education / Dean of Liberal Arts College / Chair of School of Global Education at Kyungwoon University in Gumi-South Korea

Akshay Marwah
CEO at Asian Education Group, CEO of the Asian Academy of Film and Television (AAFT) as well as CEO of Marwah Studios, Noida – Delhi NCR – India